Over time, WhatsApp has become an inseparable part of our life. It has become our primary mode of communication, and it is now also assisting businesses in managing their communications. Once thought to be the only instant messaging app, it has evolved into a powerful tool for video, audio, and even GIF communication.
WhatsApp is a fantastic method to stay in touch with family and friends. However, every now and again, you may run into someone with whom you would prefer not to interact. Whatever the reason, there may be a few persons you don’t want to hear from, and blocking them on WhatsApp Messenger is simple.
There are various options for filtering your WhatsApp conversations. If someone sends you offensive, hateful, or filthy stuff that you don’t want to see, WhatsApp will enable you to ban or report them. You can even combine the two. The Report option was created roughly five years ago to assist WhatsApp in identifying users who were using the network to propagate spam and malicious content.
WhatsApp considers rumors, fake news, hoax messages, and other types of information to be spam. If you receive any of these from someone on WhatsApp on a regular basis, you should report them. You can also report to the group if the spam content is being circulated in a group chat. But what if you blocked and reported a wrong individual or group mistakenly? Can you reverse that report and block it on Whatsapp?
Before discussing the answer let’s first discuss how can you block and report individuals or groups on Whatsapp.
How to block and report an individual on Whatsapp
To block a contact, tap on their name. Use the search icon in the top-right corner of the app if you can’t find the contact.
- Then, in the top-right corner, tap the three vertical dots.
- Select More from the drop-down menu.
- Then choose Block.
- Select Block from the list of alternatives that appears. Alternatively, you can hit Report and Block to block and report the contact.
How to Reverse Report and Block on Whatsapp
Unfortunately, you cannot reverse report and block on Whatsapp as it’s a one-go process. There’s no need to be concerned; WhatsApp will not take action unless a large number of additional people have reported the same contact. You can also go to settings and unblock the contact if you have blocked it.
How to unblock the individual on Whatsapp:
- Tap More options > Settings in WhatsApp.
- Blocked contacts may be found under Account > Privacy > Blocked contacts.
- To unlock a contact, tap on it.
- Unblock the contact. Messages, calls, and status updates will now be sent and received between you and the contact.