How to Know if Someone Read Your Text Messages

How to Know if Someone Read Your Text Messages

 Know if Someone Read Your Text Messages: Have you been wondering if someone did read your message or not? In this blog, we shall take a look at how to know if someone read your text messages over Android and iOS. There can be several personal or professional reasons why you might want to get that information.

know if someone read your text messages

Whenever we send an important text message and need to know if someone has been taking their own time for replying or straightaway ignoring you, there are ways by which you can find that out. Although we recommend that don’t get too obsessed if someone is trying to purposefully ignore you, as it’s not at all worth your precious time. Here is the complete guide that is sure to help you out in case you still want to do that.

In the digital world that we live in today, we are constantly relying on or cell phones for communications. This is one method of being in touch with others that have gained more popularity over calling someone directly.

Fortunately, there are options by which one can set read receipt on the phone and for the messaging applications. Understand that the guide we have for you and the instructions can vary a little bit as per your device manufacturer, operating system, and model.

Delivery Receipt vs. SMS Read Receipt

In most of the phones that we use today, the delivery receipt is that feature that will allow the sender for knowing that the message has been delivered successfully on the handset of the receiver. In such a condition where the sender has switched off their phone or if they are in a place where the network is not reachable, the SMS doesn’t get delivered.

In such a condition SMS might also not be read by that receiver. The read report of SMS is sent to senders only when the other message has opened the message. On a simple Android device, the delivery receipt feature is seen for MMS and SMS and the read receipt is available just for MMS.

How to Know if Someone Read Your Text Messages

The read receipt for text messaging depends on RCS. This is a replacement for SMS. It is short for Rich communication services and the protocol supports several features apart from SMS and one amongst them is read receipt.

Presently, RCS has been working well on the Google Android message app. Almost all of the stock messaging applications on Sony, Samsung, Motorola, LG don’t completely support RCS and the feature of reading receipt.

Some carriers can also offer messaging apps the feature of reading receipts and one of them being Message Plus. But Android Messages will be the best choice that also shows when that text was read.

Android Messages Requirements for Reading Receipt

The android messages get built with several advanced functions including group messages, audio messages, link preview, location, emoji and read receipt. However, some additional requirements are needed so that we get read receipt that we want to see.

  • Both receiver and sender should be using Android Messages for being their default messaging applications.
  • Make use of a carrier that supports RCS.
  • The text receiver should have sent a read receipt enabled on their phone.
  • Data network or Wi-Fi should be working well.

We can see Android messages to be a combination of the social messaging app and SMS app. It, not just that one can send MMS and SMS to any number, apart from the ones in your contact list, you can also go for a live chat when you have the option of instant-read receipts.

Enable Feature of Reading Receipt on Android

This is the option that you will see in the Android Messaging app. And as per the device and carrier that you make use of the chat feature can or might not have been set automatically. Let’s assume here that it’s not. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Open Android Message.

Step 2: On the notification bar, you will see “Do more with Android Messages,” click over it and then click on Next.

Step 3: Now you are asked for letting Android Messages be connected in the background. Click on Yes.

Switch Read Receipt On:

Step 1: Go to Android Message and open it.

Step 2: Now tap on Menu and go to Settings.

Step 3: Click in Advanced and then Chat feature.

Step 4: Now click on “Send Read Receipt.”

Now, this feature has been set up on your device. However, this is only going to assure that someone else will know if you have read their message. For being able to receive the read receipt you have to make sure that they have also switched on their read receipts.

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