Know If Someone Blocked Your Number Without Calling: Are you facing some kind of trouble for reaching out to one of your friends through text message or a phone call? There is a possibility that you have been blocked. Of course, one shouldn’t conclude too quickly. There can be many reasons why an individual hasn’t responded to your right away. But in case your text messages are not getting delivered and the calls directly go to voicemail, you might have been blocked.

This is something that has happened to all of us. We know that we have the right phone number, but for some reason, the call isn’t ever answered and the texts are being ignored.
There is a possibility that somebody is busy, their phone battery is dead; they are on vacation, a place with no signal, or any other reason. Just as you are not able to reach somebody, it doesn’t mean necessarily that you are blocked. But is there some way to get to know that?
Unfortunately, there are no direct and specific messages or warnings that will let you know if you have been blocked. However, with a little detective work, it’s possible to know if someone might have blocked your phone number. And this might be the reason why you are not able to text or call them.
Keep in mind that the most straightforward and accurate way of knowing that you have been blocked is by asking that person directly. But in the case where you don’t want to look that awkward, we have some ways that you can try!
How to Know If Someone Blocked Your Number without Calling
For starters, you need to make sure that the text message and calls that you made ardent going through. In case this is happening, you may be blocked. But if you don’t want to ask that person anything directly if they have blocked you, here is the method that you can try.
If they are still appearing as suggested contact over your phone then it will mean that it’s likely that you aren’t blocked.
- Open the Contacts on your Android device.
- Tap over the name of that person that you suspect has blocked you.
- Tap over three vertical dots that can be seen on the upper corner of the phone screen.
- Now tap on ‘Delete’ for removing the contact information.
- Open the Contacts app one more time.
- Tap on your phone’s search bar and type the name of that person.
In case you can see the name of the deleted contact being suggested, there’s a high probability that you haven’t been blocked. If you can’t see that name being suggested, there is a possibility that you are blocked.
Keep in mind that if you know now that you are not blocked, you re-enter the contact information of your friend and save it.
How to Know If Someone Blocked Your Number without Calling for iPhone
Some interesting methods can help you to know if you have been blocked. These steps have been discussed here and can be tried if you are an iPhone user.
Step 1: Observe the texting app that is likely iMessage. It’s most likely that when you send a text, it will show a ‘delivered’ confirmation. Therefore when you see the sent message to the person you believe might have blocked you, search for the confirmation. There should be a delivered status of the message that you last sent.
Step 2: In case you see that the ‘delivered’ notification isn’t visible, this can mean that you are blocked by that contact.
Bottom Line:
We need to say here, that there isn’t a definitive way through which you can surely say that you have been blocked. Of course, the methods that we suggested above will give you an answer as close as possible. These are clues and hints that you have to keep a key eye on in case you want to see if someone has blocked your number when you don’t want to call them!
We live in a technologically sound world that has made communication so easy. But there is also a possibility where you are blocked for some personal or professional reason, and these are the only ways by which you can find that out.