How to Change Phone Number in Cowin

How to Change Phone Number in Cowin

 The vaccination drive against the coronavirus is right now the most effective tool to bring an end to the pandemic. The central government of India has launched a massive vaccination drive in India. Cowin is a mobile application that has been developed by the central government to keep a track of this vaccination drive and help people schedule their vaccination dates. This app will particularly help to keep a track of those administered with one or both the doses and help to maintain the database, of how many people are yet left to be vaccinated.

change phone number in cowin

Moreover, the Cowin app prevents any kind of fraud or malpractices associated with vaccine administration because the beneficiary can directly book their slot and schedule their vaccination without any middle man.

Multiple parameters could go wrong while you register on the Cowin App and obtain the certificate. Here are some of the most commonly faced errors and simple steps on how you can easily correct them through the Cowin App.

How to Change Phone Number in Cowin

  • Login to the Cowin website or the Cowin application by using the mobile number with which you have already registered yourself on Cowin
  • Now go to the tab “Raise an Issue”
  • Next, select the option “ Transfer a Member to a New Mobile Number”
  • Now you will get details of the members who have been registered with the phone number that you have logged in with. choose the name of the member whose registered mobile number you wish to alter
  • Next, you will come across the option “Transfer to”. In this section, enter the new mobile number you want to change to.
  • Choose the Acceptance form and tap on “Continue” to proceed further
  • You shall now receive an OTP. Enter the OTP at the required field to complete the process.

Mobile Phone numbers can be changed only once, hence one needs to be careful while doing this

Have You Registered Under Multiple Phone Numbers?

If you have registered on the Cowin app under multiple numbers, you can face some errors while receiving the vaccination certificates. To avoid this, follow these steps:

  • Open the Cowin website and log in to the portal through your registered mobile phone number.
  • Go to the tab “Raise an Issue”.
  • Now choose the option “Merge My Multiple Dose #1 Certificates to Get Final Vaccination Certificate
  • The next task is to enter the reference ID received from 1st vaccination and also the date of the dose.
  • Now enter the ID of the beneficiary of the second dose of vaccination and the mobile number that has been used for registration.
  • Now select the checkbox beside “I Declare that I have Received Both”. Next click on the “Submit” option.

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