How to Recover Deleted TikTok Messages

How to Recover Deleted TikTok Messages

 There are more than 1 billion active users on TikTok. It has indeed become one of the users’ favorite social networking app that garners a lot of attention from people all over the world. TikTok has a user-friendly interface that gives you an opportunity to share video content with others. You get likes and comments on your TikTok videos. Your fans can also send you a message on the app to interact with you or get answers to their queries.

recover deleted tiktok messages

Similarly, brands may want to collaborate with TikTokers through messaging. TikTok has put quite a few restrictions on who can send/receive the messages. The app brought quite a few changes to its policy. Now, people who are 16 years and below are not allowed to send or receive texts on TikTok. In addition to that, you can only send DMs to people following your TikTok account.

However, there are times when we accidentally delete TikTok videos and messages. Videos are easy to recover, as you may have the draft of the video saved in your gallery and other social sites. But, what about the messages? What if you delete chats from TikTok accidentally? Well, know that there are ways to recover the deleted TikTok messages. In this post, we will share with you some easy and effective tips for recovering the deleted TikTok messages. So, keep reading to learn more.

How to Recover Deleted TikTok Messages

1. Have a Backup

You don’t really focus on having a backup for your content or messages until you end up losing them. That’s when you realize the importance of keeping a backup for all your TikTok content. You can use this backup to recover the deleted TikTok messages easily. The best part about TikTok messages is that there is no unsend option.

Once you have forwarded the message to the recipient, it will stay in their inbox until they delete the conversation. Similarly, it stays in your inbox. However, if you have deleted the chat intentionally, you always have the option of asking the recipient to send you the screenshot of the chat. That’s one of the easiest ways to recover the deleted chat on TikTok.

2. TikTok Message Recovery

You will plenty of message recovery software apps that claim to help you recover your TikTok messages easily. While these apps do not guarantee any results, they may work for some users. Your safest bet is to check the “File Explorer” to find the deleted messages. If it doesn’t work, try a free message recovery software tool.

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