How to Know If Someone Blocked You on TikTok

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on TikTok

 Undoubtedly TikTok is amongst the most famous video-sharing and social media apps in the present. And you can’t deny it even if you aren’t a TikToker yourself. TikTok does give people an opportunity to create interesting content and share videos. You can also take a look at videos of other users that sometimes includes fun challenges, dances, and skills that you can learn.

know if someone blocked you on tiktok

This is also a great way to communicate with the other users as well whether they are your friends in real life or someone that you met on the app itself. There can be times when you get blocked by someone on the app and there are ways by which you can find that out!

For starters, you can check on the profile of the user one at a time and get to know if they have blocked you. Keep in mind that there are no tools or apps specifically to list out the people that have blocked or unfollowed you. Of course, many of us have experienced getting blocked over social media like TikTok sometimes. It can get a bit frustrating as you aren’t able to communicate with users that have blocked you and you can’t watch their activities and videos either.

But then how does one get to know if someone blocked you? Keep reading below to help you with all of the information that you need on the topic!

Will You Get Notified When Somebody Blocks You On TikTok?

Unfortunately, No. There are no notifications by the app when you get blocked on the platform. Similar to other apps when a user decides to block a specific profile, it’s a personal decision. Some of the reasons for this can be annoying or abusive content or spam.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Tiktok?

You can check that person’s profile on the search bar of TikTok, comments, or direct message to know if you have been blocked on TikTok. There are also some other easy steps that you can take for finding if you have been blocked by someone on the app. This just takes a minute or two and you might not even have to try the other methods that we mention below. In case the below options turn out to be true you can be sure that you have got blocked in TikTok:

Step 1: Go Through The Follower List:

If you have been suspecting that you have been blocked by a specific profile, the easiest and first step is to go to your accounts follower list. Then search for that profile. In case you didn’t see them in your account list, chances are that you are blocked.

But this is not a sure sign either as it can be true that they have deleted their account on TikTok or the app has deleted it due to some rule violations. So you need to do a little bit more research.

Step 2: Search on Tiktok for the Profile:

This is the next common step to take when you feel you have been blocked by someone. Just search for the username, name through the Discover tab. It is a small icon shaped like a magnifying glass.

Step 3: Look For The Mention Or Comments On The Left Side Of The Profile:

The final step that you can try to find if you have been blocked by someone on the Tiktok apps is to check the past mention or comment that you had made on the TikTok video that they posted. Now if you click on that video and are unable to get access, see it as a red flag too. There is a high possibility that you have been blocked.

Wrapping It Up:

By using all of these steps, you will easily find out if someone has blocked you on TikTok. And as you can see it’s not that big of a deal. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t get sad when you know someone has blocked you and rather give it a thought on why they had made such a decision.

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