WhatsApp has surpassed 800 million active users, an instant messaging app that uses just the internet to communicate text messages, videos, audios, share locations, and other content across all devices. As the number of WhatsApp users grows, users are looking for new features such as how to conceal chat in WhatsApp, how to hide last seen from particular individuals on WhatsApp, and so on.
Whatsapp users should protect their privacy as a result of excessive usage. App has a variety of privacy options that you may customize to meet your specific needs. You may already know how to hide last seen in WhatsApp, but the point is that you may hide it from everyone or no one; nevertheless, in this discussion, we’ll show you how to hide it from certain people. To hide your last seen from that individual, you don’t need to block them; simply follow the steps outlined below.
There are two ways to hide your Last seen from certain people on Whatsapp. One method is to delete your specific contact details and the second is to hide your last seen to everyone. Let us discuss both methods in detail.
How to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen From Certain People
Method 1: change your privacy settings
To hide your WhatsApp last seen from particular people the first thing you have to do is remove that particular person from your contact list. Now change your last seen settings to ‘my contact’ using the privacy feature of Whatsapp. So changing your privacy to ‘my contacts only’ will help you to hide your last seen to that particular person. Then let us discuss how to change the privacy to ‘my contacts only’.
So after removing that particular person from your contact list, On your phone, open the WhatsApp application.
Go to Settings -> Account -> Privacy. Look for Last Seen, then pick My contacts only from the drop-down menu.
This will hide last seen for all contacts; That’s all; that specific contact will no longer be able to see your last seen status, but you will be able to see his or her status and profile picture.
Method 2: Hide from Settings
As previously said, the first step is to ensure that only the contacts registered in your iPhone or Android phone’s Address book have access to your WhatsApp Last Seen.
- On your iPhone or Android phone, open WhatsApp.
- Go to the bottom menu and select Settings (on iPhone)
- If you’re using an Android phone, hit the three dots icon in the upper right corner, then select Settings from the drop-down menu.
- Tap the Account option on the Settings screen.
- Tap Privacy on the Account Screen.
- Tap Last Seen on the Privacy screen.
- On the following screen, select nobody.
Hope this discussion was helpful to you in hiding your last seen to a particular person on your WhatsApp application.