Find Someone’s Birthday on Facebook: There are a variety of reasons why you might want to learn about another person’s birthday without asking them. Maybe you’re the kind of person who wants to find out someone’s birthday, so you can throw them a surprise party, or maybe you want to sign them up for some dubious products as a prank.

If you’ve known someone for a long time, whether it’s a friend, family member, coworker, or flatmate, suddenly asking about their birthday can be a little rude. It appears that you are uninterested in connecting with them. Or it doesn’t matter to you whether they are a part of your life or not. And if, by chance, it’s your wife or girlfriend’s birthday that you don’t remember, never take the risk to ask her personally.
Whatever the reason, if you need to know their birthday without them knowing about it, we have a solution for you. We will demonstrate several methods for discovering someone’s birthday on Facebook without asking them.
Facebook is a better option than any other social media platform for revealing personal information, such as a person’s education, graduation, relationship status, or birthday.
How to Find Someone’s Birthday on Facebook
- First, log in to your Facebook account.
- On your web browser, you will see the option of events on the left-hand side.
- Events have been marked as a calendar with a black color star under it on the left-hand side.
- Click on events, You will see three options Home, Your events, and Birthdays.
- Click on Birthdays, You will see options of Today’s birthday, Recent Birthday, upcoming birthdays, and then month-wise birthdays have been mentioned of your friends with their display picture.
- Find your friend with whom you want to know the birth date.
- Just take your cursor to the Profile picture available there you will see the birthdate coming in a popup like if you find your friend and take your cursor on that person’s profile picture you will be shown ABC’s birthday is on 5th October.
Another way to find the birthday of your close friends and family members is to visit the profile of the user scroll down this profile till the end you will be able to see this Birthdate mention at the bottom of this profile. The date will be mentioned with the baby bear-like symbol, E.g Born on 5th October 1995.
The third way to find a birthday is to visit the profile of the user and click on ‘About’ > ‘overview’. You will see personal information like schooling, residential address, mobile number, workplace, and birthday. There will be a cake symbol available in the about > overview section mentioning the birth date and how many days to go to have a birthday.
Some people do not reveal basic information on Facebook, such as their schooling, hometown, and birthday. So, tap on the Photos option and scroll down the photos to see if any pictures were uploaded on the birthday. By reading the caption, you can easily determine that the photo was posted on the occasion of a birthday.
You can even notice the birthday of your close ones in notifications. Facebook keeps on notifying birthdays for your friends and family members if they are having birthdays. If you enable the Facebook notification on your phone, then Facebook will notify you before a week and a month of your friend or relatives if they are having a birthday in the current running month.
For example, Facebook will notify you if ABC is having a birthday in the month of June like Facebook will send notification read as ABC is having a birthday month as soon as the month gets changed and then before a week you will be notified by Facebook that ABC is having a birthday this week, click on that notification you will be redirected to upcoming birthday section and you will able to know the birthday of your close one by this.
Even on the day of the birthday, Facebook will notify you at 12 am at midnight that ABC is having this birthday today from there also you will be able to know the birthday of your close ones.
Finally, you might want to inquire about your friend’s birthday. If you don’t have any mutual friends who can tell you, and you can’t find the person’s birthday on social media or their calendar, your only option is to simply ask them. Most people will not be offended if they are asked this question. Of course, if you believe they will be, or if you don’t want them to know you’re looking for this information, you’ll have to be inventive.